Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So Long, Farewell

Day one was a funny day. I was little hazy from the fun family send off at Kilimanjaro restaurant the night before, and then spending half the night packing and repacking my rucksack to include only the essentials for the next seven month. I still toppled over and lay defeated like a beetle on my back when I saddled up the huge load in the morning. Granted it was 4:30am and both mind and body will always stage a mutiny when woken at such an hour, but reality dawned - this was going to be an intense physical challenge!

The goodbyes at the departure gate were intentionally quick - Dad's hug lingered a little longer than usual and Mum and Grandmama's eyes started to well. A quick "ok, let's not make this the airport scene from Love Actually" and a wave and I was off… to Africa!

Utterly exhausted as I settled into my seat for the 14 hour flight to Mauritius, I exhaled to release the stressful months of planning, finalising, farewelling, and ceiling-staring behind me. And then inhaled again in contemplation of the enormity of the adventure of unknown ahead of me.

This trip is as much about knowing what I’m leaving behind as it is not knowing what I’ll find where I’m going. So many people travel to go somewhere, but I think fewer travel to leave somwhere. They aspire to destinations of promise with a pre-conceived notion of what they’ll find. But the mystery of this trip is in taking the few things I know for sure – who I am, how fortunate I am, that I am a social person whose life revolves around people and not things - and seeing how these traits transcend borders of all kinds.

I’m leaving a very good life. A generous and supportive family, friends so versatile and incredible I doubt scouring the four corners could deliver better people, a gorgeous dog, a successful job under a supportive mentor, 5 start travel, French champagne, overflowing wardrobe, glam parties… the perfect life really. 

But I have outgrown it and I need to do more with my life. I need to settle my soul by doing something on my own, and by helping people. Watch this space for progress updates!

So… I’ve arrived at stop number 1. The trip was long and the in-flight movies many, but I made my destination safe & sound. Can you believe it - the cab driver I’d spoken to briefly during the 5 minute trip, and who I'd paid in cash, had friend requested me on Facebook by the time I connected to the wireless in my room! It seems some things are universal…

Give Harvey a hug for me! xx

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