Saturday, August 28, 2010

Kenya bound

I have just run the gauntlet that is Mauritius airport on a Saturday morning and am now nestled in a corner with the comfort of free wi-fi. After days spent wasting Mauritius time (a very different concept from Aussie time) in the futile pursuit of working Internet & phone lines, this is a relief indeed. Facebook? Check. Emails? Check. Fun new apps for my iPhone the fellow solo missioners from the hotel enlightened me with? Check. It seems you're never really alone when you have the welcome companion that is the best of 95-odd-thousands apps for everything imaginable. Practical downloads include the currency converter, free wi-fi finder, tripit, hostel hero. Fun additions include Sodasnap which turns holiday pics into digital postcards. Cool!

I'm going to miss the cable tv (highlight: the smooth African voice that declared "celebrating femininity" every time a female-lead flick came on. Lowlight: the movie about the blonde haired, blue eyed girl who was kidnapped on a foreign tropical island). I won't miss the chemical milk, I will miss the aqua blue water.

Onward to Nairobi!!

Give Harvey a bum scratch for me!



  1. Don't forget to buy me a present at every destination you visit!!!

  2. Give Wendy and Rob a big hug for me. Is Daisy there? If so give her one too. Enjoy your wonderful time with them. Wendy are you going to take Esther to that sulphurous, crocodile filled lake that we went to so long ago?


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