Monday, December 27, 2010

Exit Etosha

Etosha was the most amazing wildlife park I've been to. The facilities are great, the roads safe, the animals plenty. And the salt pan is a sight to behold!

On our game drive the day before we'd driven right into the pan to take those amazing infinity shots you see. We had so much fun playing with the depth and here's my favorite. I loved how out there, in the middle of the stark flats with no vegetation in sight, you'd still see footprints and dropping on the ground.

And while on the subject of droppings, my bus buddy and I had bonded over our mutual wicked sense of humor. She's the one who eats giggly soup and just succumbs to fits of contagious laughter. This particular day we were laughing about the size of elephant "POOP" (must be said like you'd say a short sharp "beep"). We were in hysterics... Especially when we came up with this corker: "what do dung beetles do?" answer: POOP POOP!

We were also amused by one of the new girls' textbook reactions to seeing her first zebra. We all did it, but for most of us it was way back in the Serengeti, or in my case Nairobi. Anyway, everyone squeals when they see their first zebra. No matter how far away, you gasp and cheer and ask the driver to stop so you can tale photos. The driver usually obliges with a wry smile. Because he knows that by the end of the day you'll have seen hundreds, if not thousands of zebra literally swarming the national parks. It was so fun seeing the new people's quick reaction of pure joy to a distant zebra.

Etosha is a wonderland of wildlife and landscapes and beats any national park I've been to. My advice to anyone who asks is to skip the Serengeti and do Etosha instead. Especially in light of what else Namibia has in store...

Cuddles for Monkey


1 comment:

  1. Love your description of me!
    Can't wait for your stories on the rest of Namibia and SA.
    Miss you!
    Love, your bus buddy


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